Data Servers - MarketCast™ Server
MarketCast Server provides reliable delivery of real-time data using sophisticated caching and buffering techniques. It is suitable for delivering data over unreliable or slow networks (such as Internet), and can be run on data platforms such as TIBCO Rendezvous® or Refinitiv Data Platform. It can be configured to support a wide variety of data sources, including Refinitiv, Jiji, StockWeather, Tenfore, FXOnline, Ueda Harlow, SAXO Bank (Open API), ICE Data Services and others. Additional data sources could be added on request.
The key features of the product are:
Data cache management
The server creates and maintains local cache of real-time data based on requested items. It continues to monitor updates for all items in cache to keep cache data up-to-date. Various policies regarding cache management, removing unwatched items and pre-emption are implemented.
Maximum size of local data cache can be configured;
Clients' management
The server maintains list of currently connected clients with cross-links to local data cache to reference each client's subscription list. The server can be configured to authenticate every new connection from a client with username/password. Total number of simultaneous clients'
connections as well as maximum number of items available for each client to subscribe can also be configured;
Intelligent queue
For each connected client the server maintains a buffer (queue) for outgoing messages. In case of slow consumer client the data, which cannot be sent immediately, is placed in the queue for the client. Once this queue reaches its maximum size, the server switches to amalgamating mode,
in which it tries to integrate new outgoing messages with the ones already in the queue. The server uses sophisticated algorithms to guarantee minimum or no information loss;
Data field mapping
The server maps fields in the incoming message to internal field IDs in resulting message according to a master fields mapping file;
Item codes mapping
If configured, the server can perform a mapping between source network-specific item codes and a standard item codes convention, providing a generic item code interface for clients' requests. The rules for items mapping is implemented using extended regular expression formulas;
The MarketCast Server can be configured to connect to another MarketCast Server rather than directly to a source network. This allows for creation of a cascade of MarketCast Servers with each one maintaining it's own local data cache and eliminating unnecessary upstream/downstream data traffic;
Custom fields calculation
The server functionality includes ability to publish calculated values via custom fields. Values calculation is based on source data and predefined set of rules. For example, MarketCast Server can be configured to publish daily open/high/low/close values of specified data field,
n-weeks high/low, net or percentage change;
The clients can be configured to have a list of possible connection points to several MarketCast Servers providing failover mechanism to switch between servers in case of failure;
Data permission support
If data on a source network includes permission information, the server can maintain permission tables specifying which client is entitled to subscribe to what data;
The server maintains platform-dependant a date- and time-stamped logs with various start-up and operational messages. Every extraordinary condition is also recorded in the server's log. Once log reaches it's maximum size, it is saved under different name and new log is created;
Delayed data
Delay version of MarketCast Server (MarketDelay Server) can be configured to run with delay intervals set either for individual items or for all data and uses several delaying scenarios;
MarketCast Server comes with two special options for recording real-time data and re-playing it later for demo or test purposes;
HTTP tunnelling
MarketCast Server supports HTTP tunnelling for exchanging messages with clients connected via firewalls. The server maintains special connection point for HTTP tunnels and wraps all messages sent through such connections with HTTP-like headers to allow them to pass firewalls checks;
Client-side API libraries
MarketCast Server API libraries are available in C, Microsoft COM, as well as Java and Javascript.